Ohhhh how I miss blogging! So so much! Student teaching is really exhausting. While I would love to blog about my experience, I want to be professional about it so I won't be sharing too many details on that. I wil say that it's not a "typical" student teaching experience. I hope to write more in the coming days as life is crazy and I have been busy busy busy! Miss you all...thanks for stopping by Fill in the Blanks Friday. Join Lauren here! :)
1. My favorite place i've ever traveled to is Europe and Mexico...too different to choose just one .
2. Australia and S. Africa (are) is somewhere I'd love to go someday.
3. I pass the time on a plane (or bus, or car ride or train) by talking Jason's ear off and being bored...I'm a terrible traveler .
4. My three must-haves when I travel are my iPhone , headphones and computer
5. My favorite travel companion is Jason .
6. The craziest thing that ever happened to me while traveling is when United Airlines lost my luggage on my way TO a cruise...I had no clothes, make-up, blow-dryer, swim suit, shoes, etc for 3 days. Oh and when I finally got it, half my stuff was stolen. .
7. The most exotic food I've ever tried while traveling is I really have no idea? .
8. If I could live anywhere else, I'd live in I'll try out Colorado and see how that works out...if I ever could move again it'd be somewhere warm. AZ maybe? .
9. I have been to 27
states in the U.S.
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