March 24, 2011

Spring Break!!!!

I made it! Spring break is here and I have passed 4 more classes of the 16 total classes that I need for my masters. I only have 6 more left (plus student teaching)!! About a month ago, I wasn't sure I was going to make it; this has been a really long 11 weeks. As with any class you take, the beginning of a quarter is usually pretty slow, it takes a couple weeks before anything is due and then all of a sudden everything seems to be due at the same time. (and then we get a puppy in the heat of it all!) But the cool thing about school is that you know it's only temporary and if you just keep pressing through, you will make it! And I did, I did, I did! Now I get to enjoy a full week off and have already made a list of some fun things I will do to reward myself for getting through.
For the next 10 days I will:
  • Clean my very, very, very, very messy bedroom
  • Spring clean my closet (Winter clothes OUT, Spring/Summer clothes IN - WOO HOO!)
  • Remember the closet Jason assembled a couple months ago? Its now time to arrange everything inside and get it organized
  • Get my car detailed (a Christmas present from Jason, how awesome is that?! Gotta love groupon!)
  • Get a manicure and pedicure (I love youswoop!)
  • Meet my mom and Sophie in the burbs with Cooper for a puppy playdate for them and a little shopping for me (Jason and I want curtains for in front of the dog crate and in our bedroom)
  • Begin a new work-out routine (again.)
  • Finish The Help which I started the first week of school and haven't been able to read ever since
  • Spoil our puppy
  • Clean out our front hall closet
  • Begin a new devotional
  • Watch a couple chic flicks
  • Clean our refrigerator
  • Catch up with a few friends I haven't seen in a while
  • Print out some wedding pictures
I'm so excited to do all this! Nothing like jam packing my week off. It's just such a great feeling to go to bed tonight and not have a million papers and assignments hovering over my head. Now if I could just get Cooper to let me sleep in tomorrow, I'd be all set!

Happy Spring Break to me!!

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